I have been sending this weekly om friday for many years now. I forgot while packing for my trip this friday. In the grand scheme of things, it does not matter. In this moment I am incredibly frustrated and annoyed with myself. It will pass. The conference is very nice. I appreciate you all. Credit to Raj who made me wonder if I had sent it this time by saying he enjoyed it. Something proper next time :) -Lars Everything else is found at [https://underjord.io] You signed up for this newsletter and confirmed the subscription. If you want to stop receiving it. Just use the link below. Preferences https://underjordab.updatemyprofile.com/t-l-2AD73FFF-l-i | Unsubscribe https://underjordab.createsend1.com/t/t-u-sjjtko-l-d/ This email was sent to [email address suppressed]. If you are no longer interested you can unsubscribe instantly: https://underjordab.createsend1.com/t/t-u-sjjtko-l-h/