and whether you have any No images? Click here Do you have flexibility?My linux workstation just had a big oopsie on reboot so I'm typing this on an older kernel from the recovery menu. Glad that was there. But assuming this doesn't implode on me I plan on running a livestream at 14.00 CEST where I set up my old Inky eInk library and screen with, if all goes well, Livebook and we can try some interesting stuff. This'll be a bit more involved than I usually get, will have to move my camera and everything. But I think it could be fun. Get ready to watch by subscribing on the Youtube Channel. And on BEAM Radio, Bruce of all people, invited the topic of Heresy. And who better to lead the charge and put us all on the spot than phenomenal guest Chris Keathley, the man who did not create Phoenix. So, yeah, new episode :) Are you going net positive?I'm having a ton of fun with work right now. Getting the team up and going, everyone is excited, I'm really applying myself. I'm pretty tired when I come home right now. The dishes that pile up during the day are left for another day. Daughter isn't sleeping very quietly so my sleep is so-so. I'm not exercising enough so parenthood is just murder on my back. During this week I've been operating on net negative. That happens. The important part is recognizing that it isn't sustainable and taking steps to improve the situation. I think I'm pretty good at seeing the pattern and acting before it has particularly bad effects. But shifting things around to make them work better is not easy. The best thing I know for improving the situation is building margin into life. Make sure there is proper time for sleep, make sure you take a nap, eat well, go for walks, exercise. All the mindful intentional things. I was pretty great at this 2 years ago. Then we had a kid and suddenly I felt what it was actually like to play on Medium difficulty (you can have more kids, you can have chronic illness, you can have so many more challenges). We work hard at making our life make sense. But it constantly changes. And I can see that I'm not doing it well right now. I feel it my body that I'm not getting any really significant exercise. I feel that I'm not sleeping great, also usually better if I exercise. I'm not relaxing very well and the tension is building up. I can see maintenance of the day-to-day needs more work than me and my wife are putting in right now and the cruft builds up in the house. I'm not feeling stressed which is good. I don't have a hectic life. But I don't have a ton of margin, in spite of having more than most. Or I'm not applying it right. The tricky part is probably to utilize the margin well. If you have a few minutes between meetings for yourself to breathe a bit and you use it to scroll Twitter, odds are you aren't caring for that gift of time you gave yourself. If I have time in the evening, collapse in the couch and play Slay the Spire until past my ideal bed-time. Sure, gratifying at the time but not what I intend for myself. I am much better at structuring my day and following my plans in the morning. In the evening I really struggle and that's where I would need to improve to find my stride. I could also establish more financial margin and work less, which would give me more hours that aren't work and make the whole thing more manageable. But would I use that time to do the dishes? Knowing myself that challenge remains. This was a bit of a rambler. I'm going to blame late coffee, fighting Linux and a generally weird day. How do you "find the time"? Or weirder "make time"? Let me know at or on Twitter where I'm @lawik. Thank you for spending your attention here at Underjord. We appreciate readers. TM - Lars Wikman |