You don't know the value of what you know No images? Click here I've released a new video on doing LiveView on Nerves and a matching blog post to boot. As per usual my work is supported by companies that sponsor Underjord. I’m currently on leave from marketing their job openings but feel free to check them out if you are either in Sweden or the US. If you company is looking to find Elixir devs, read more here or reach out. Would love to work with more of you out there. What Is Worth Sharing?I have very little interest in telling people how HTML works. I don't spend a lot of time thinking about the nuances of CSS. I barely touch JavaScript and I spend no effort thinking about how I use it typically. Why would anyone want to hear me describe/explain or teach any of these? I bet there are people who would be plenty interested and find it useful. It is not because I'm some fantastic teacher or have so much special experience. I have experience with them all but I don't invest myself in them. You can find specialists that have put fantastic effort into understanding, unpacking and teaching these technologies. When I post about something I just learned or I'm excited about, that's typically useful for people who either find it fascinating because it is a bit outside of their reach still and they consider it aspirational or it feels relevant for people who have a similar amount of comfort and experience and find it an interesting application of tools, skills or whatnots. If I write about my current efforts, make videos about the bleeding edge of my skillset and only share what I find personally useful (and I do fall into this trap) it limits my impact significantly. My basic explanation about how I understand and think about HTML, or how I typically wield CSS and understand it. My basic intro to JavaScript that I've never written. Those would likely be well-received by a significant amount of people assuming it reached them. I've gotten very good responses to explaining LiveView in video. Personally it feels mind-boggling to me that not everyone has already internalized it. I've been reading about it for a number of years. That's the thing. What you already know is more valuable than what you are just learning now. What you already know is useful. Lots of developers I talk to hesitate to write and share because they don't have anything interesting to share. Interesting to what person, what experience level? If someone asked their advice about how to deal with JavaScript I'm sure they'd helpfully share their thoughts. That's typically what people want and need. Some sharing of experience, thoughts and opinions. Throw some facts in there if you feel spicy. My colleagues are somewhat inexperienced developers in the range of 0.5-3 years in professional work. One interesting thing going to Code BEAM was seeing what talks were approachable and useful to them. Some stood out. They were typically not the most ambitious and audacious ones. Rather those that covered ground near what my colleagues know and expands or unpacks that in useful ways. Things either high-level and well-explained or technical but close to entry-level. We all start somewhere and as we push forward ideally we drop our notes along the way. "Watch out, low ceiling", "Everyone does Scrum different, don't sweat it", "Unit tests ain't all that", "JavaScript is the best" and "JavaScript is the worst". All the useful bits we pick up. If you never share your entry-level reflections, knowledge and thoughts and just hold out for the super cool things you are letting the world down a little bit. Of course your peers want to know how smart you are but really, that's gonna feel simple in three years anyway. Clearing the way, improving the on-ramp, inviting the new and curious is much more useful. I try to do a mix, because you know, gotta impress those peers. Do as I say. Not as I do. Or more importantly. Do and don't think too much about if it is interesting enough. Making any sense? I may have a slight fever. Let me know at or on Twitter where I'm @lawik. Thank you for reading. I appreciate you misplacing your attention here. - Lars Wikman |